The first area I want to introduce in the US is Houston, Texas. This area is known as the most prominent medical city in the world. The symbol is "TMS" (Texas Medical Centre), which has an innovative system that could cure a boy who had only half the size of a heart. His primary doctor had told him that he could not live long, but because of a new surgery technique TMS gave, he could replace it with an artificial organ, and it succeeded. Although Huston has the most innovative medical center, there are areas where low-income people live. There is a considerable disparity in Huston. Most low-income people are black and do not get good care. In fact, they die 20 years earlier than people in other parts of Huston. When Covid started to spread in Europe (before arriving in this area), they said that this area would get the most extensive influence because they could not get good quality of care if they got Covid. Their income is not good enough to buy the insurance, and of course, they can not afford to pay medical bills without insurance.
The American healthcare system is said to be "The most expensive, least effective health care system in the modern world". Currently, the US uses a multiple payer system, which several entity finances. The funds for healthcare come from beneficiaries, employers, and the government. The system involves private insurance companies.
Aside from pandemics, the US spends $3.8 trillion on healthcare per year (17.7% of the US economy). This amount is ab
out as much as the amount putting all money spent on healthcare in Japan, Germany, France, China, the UK, Italy, Canada, Brazil, Spain, and Australia. The death rate is, however, higher than those in high-income countries. The cause is the system used. More than 30 million (12% of the population) Americans have no insurance, and among even the people who have health insurance, more than one-third skip treatment because of money.
I will introduce one black woman who works at an insurance company. Even she is desperate to live with her payment, which is only $13 at the best time and can not afford to buy insurance. One day, she found out that she had cancer in her breast on the regular check. Even though they use a sliding scale fee based on their income, it is tough to pay only by their regular payment without insurance. She had no choice but to sell her apartment to make money for the bill, and since then, she has lived in the shelter as a homeless. She was disappointed because she could not save people though she became a nurse to save people. If she had had insurance, she could find it sooner and easier and would not have needed to sell her house. She claims that the American healthcare system is unfair, especially to those whose income is low.
Dr. Ashish Jha, a member of the university school of public health, rejects this modern American healthcare system. He firmly believ
es that all American people should get the same quality of care. A great system means not having an innovative system but being covered by everybody.
The first reason why there is a vast disparity is just because of political reasons. The second one is a character of a nation. In Europe and Asia, the healthcare system is built to ensure everybody is covered, which is thought suitable for society. By contrast, in the US, the majority believe it can not help that people who have insurance can get the care, and those who do not can not get it, so they have to accept it as a personal responsibility.